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Thursday, July 18th, 2013
Dryfast Property Restoration Hello and welcome to the home of the 24 hours services, Today we will talk about water damage in San Jose and South Bay, San Jose is the largest city in the South part of the Bay Area, with over 400 expected water damage losses per month gets to the the top 3 positions and takes the second place after San Francisco . What’s causing most of the water damages here in San Jose? We would say ; faulty supply lines, burst old pipes, and clogged drains. Just ask we will answer !
Wednesday, July 17th, 2013
#Greencarpetcleaning,#environmentalyfriendlycarpetcleaning, #sanfrancisco, #
Wednesday, July 17th, 2013
Truly green carpet cleaning, we are using Orbeco’s products for 5years in a row, call now to schedule your next carpet cleaning